Thursday, March 27, 2014

*Public announcement*

THIS IS A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT. We found found some very interesting information. It turns out, surprisingly, that Yako is in fact an old lady. We have been fooled into thinking she was a fifth grader by her appearance, but we have evidence she is an old women.

1. The first piece of evidence takes place when the teacher was reading a boring book to us. Yako, with two pencils and a piece of string, started knitting. She actually got quite far in the project. She made a small square with it. This is enough proof to already know she is an old lady, but we have more.

2. The second, is that Yako frequently watches 'Family Feud', 'Wheel of Fortune', and 'Jeopardy'. Obviously, only old women would watch these kinds of things.

3. The last piece of evidence is that Yako adds obvious comments to an already fruitless conversation. For instance, the sixth and fifth graders were in Home Ec. class. Phyo was sewing on a machine and said, "Danggit, I got my hair stuck in the machine." Yako then added, "Oh, that's bad." Phyo then looked at Yako, confused my her choice of obvious additions to a side comments. Only old ladies do this.


1 comment:

  1. thank your for telling everyone that I'm an old lady, this has been quite enjoyable
