Hello ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between. I'm sorry to have been absent the past week, there was a week of spring break. The only really 'event' that happened over the break was that Timoya and Famarii went over to Phyo's house for their movie night. Phyo and Famarii poked each other's stomachs while Timoya tried to focus on the movie. That was it. Anyway, we'll go with three more characters and a few stories.
Our 7th character and one of the three boys is codename Anonymous. He's one of the normals who somehow got in....we don't know how...we don't know how...we don't know how...we don't kn
The 8th character and one of the two fifth graders is Jackie. To put her simply, take an 'American Girl', add a couple flaws, and there you have Jackie. Except we'll go more in depth. Jackie is generally cheerful, but is as competitive as all living heck. You're on the opposite team as her? Get ready for uncalled for arguments, trash-talking, and no friendship from Jackie. If your on her team? No difference. Literally no difference. Jackie seems to like everyone mostly. Except Shor. She hates Shor. Because, like wow GOD FORBID ANYONE TO LIKE SHOR. WOW. Sorry. Jackie's little sister is Karen, who she teases a lot. But if anyone else teases Karen? Smackdown time.
The 9th character and the other fifth grader is Yako. We hear a lot about her because Yako is the description of a dare-devil. Literally. Remember the ice-cone story? Yeah. You get the point. Yako is regrettably the older sister of Karel. She denies his very existence. She's also obsessed with a band call r6. When I say obsessed, I mean obsessed. wow..um..okay..what else...so. hmmmmm Yako is insane...like everyone else in the school....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well, that's about it. Oh yes! She's also the only avid reader of this blog. Hello Yako, your probably reading this right now.
And now for two stories.
Well, this is
technically an RLS story but...y'know....whatever. So Jackie and Karen had to go over to Phyo's house after school until their parent could pick them up. They were playing 'Wild cats of the safari' in the backyard , or at least that's what Phyo said they were probably playing. Karen was being a male lion and strolled over to Phyo.
'Hey, you wanna get together and...y'know.. mark our own territory if you know what I mean?' *Wink* Karen said to Phyo. There happens to be a trail right behind Phyo's backyard. Many people walk on it. A rather large group of people was walking on it the moment Karen had said it rather loudly. How would you react if you heard a seven year old girl saying that while taking your afternoon walk? Not very well, I suppose.
We will tell a past story of RLS and then one of the present RLS stories.
One day, last year at lunch when someone called Nigel was still in the house of freaks called rls, we came up with a plan. We would all raise our hand when Mr.S would ask who wanted to whipe off the desks. We wouldn't tell Nigel though. Then, he being the only one not raising his hand, would get picked. The signal was Yako knocking on her desk. Somehow, Nigel caught wind of the plan. He asked what we'd do. We told him that we'd all touch our toes. Backup. We had backup. Then after lunch, Mr.S asked who would like to wipe off the desk. Yako knocked on her desk once, and we all raised our hands. Nigel touched his toes. The anticipation was thick in the air. Everyone held their breath. Mr.S slowly walked over the Nigel and handed him the rag. The entire school burst into celebration and cheers. It was a memorable day.
So today and ever since we have been trying this. Most of the time and all the time Mr.S knows the plan already and picks the person who organized it. Which is mostly Yako or Famarii.
Here ends our day. Enjoy, Yako, our only reader.