Hello, readers, and welcome back to our log about Private School Lunatics! The beloved summer break is over and school has started up again.
New to the school is a Kindergartner, replacing Sophia. Sophia will be missed as a student, but all students are eager for the new Kindergartner.
But after a short week of school, they are more or less surprised by her behavior. She is by far the most rebellious student currently at RLS, attempting to run away multiple times, completely disobeying the teacher, and crawling around on the ground constantly. Most students are less disgusted and more intrigued and entertained by this new student. More on this later.
Today the lunatics Karel and Yako are returning from their trip, they have missed the first week of school, and that is why there is not much to report. School is quiet.
And until the next incident, readers, let's hope you stay alive that long at least.